• Access
  • Access 97
  • SQL Server
  • Visual Basic
  • Backup Solution

    Access 2000/XP/2003 MDB file with source code. A sample code shows how you can automate daily
    backup of data file. First it checks if backup was already done today (using custom property on
    database), if no – then it make a copy of data file to specified to default folder, and finally it compacts a
    data file. In multi-user environment backup runs once per day when first user starts application.

    To run a sample code: Open BackupSolution.mdb in Access. Run Linked Tables Manager to relink
    tblClient to DataFile.mdb. Run mcBackup macro to perform a backup. Sample database will create a new
    folder Backup and make a  DataFile.mdb file there.

    To implement this solution into your database you can copy mdlBackUpSolution into your database, and
    then modify a autoexec macro (or VBA procedure which runs first when you start database) – directly
    after procedure where you check if linked tables are linked – you add a line like in provided mcBackup
    macro or VBA code:

    If ToBackup() then
    End if

    You can also implement a custom options dialog where user can set backup options.

    Download: (32 kb)

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